Dragon Wear's Inherent Tri-Blend Super Fleece Neck Gaiter is the perfect way to keep your neck warm and protected when working in harsh weather. The flat stitch seam in the middle of the gaiter allows you to fold it up or down to adjust to changing conditions. Provides lightweight, breathable, wind-resistant, water-repellent warmth that's fire resistant. The permanent protection won't melt, drip, or support combustion in the air. It cannot be washed out or worn away.
- Inherently fire and arc resistant
- Breathable, 2x more wind resistant
- Folded down keeps the neck warm, extend to cover face
- Single layer fleece construction with flat-lock seams
- Durable wash and wear performance
- UV fade resistant
- CAT 4, Arc Rating 40 cal/cm2
- NFPA 70E (Standard for Electricity Safety in the Workplace)
- NFPA 2112 (Standard on Flame-Resistant Garments for Protection of Industrial Personnel Against Flash Fire)